💡 Improvement suggestions
This website is made for all our users and with the help of all our users. If you have any suggestions or improvements how to make Betch a better experience for everyone, then please use this thread to share your ideas!

A suggestion:
Allow a person to bet the maximum points he has. Like, if I think United is surely gonna win I will bet 10BET on the same thing and if I see a risky play I might just bet 1BET.

Currently I am at #2, but have same points like #1.
Just because of alphabet order I am second.
What if #1 #2 have same score but because of alphabet I am at #2?

Manav Shah, our system is designed to identify the best players in the long run. For this, it is necessary to consider bets with an equal amount. If a player uses all-in bets, this is a sign of amateurism and he will definitely go bankrupt at a distance. In addition, comparative summaries of each player by league, tournament, time intervals etc. require equal bets to be placed, therefore betting 'all in' would prevent an accurate league table of players.

Manav Shah, the first tie-break is points and the second is time. In the case that two or more players have the same number of points, the player who made their bet earlier would win.

Should give an option to change the confirmed bets at least before tournament starts

Gunners09, rules prohibit changing the bet.
In the future, the line will be more dynamic. And the player's aim is to find the right time and the right bet with good odds.